Sunday, June 27, 2010

five launguages of love

I just read the book The Five Love Languages by; Gary Chapman. I have to say, this was a very fun book to read and a great night spent with my spouse and kids. I gave everyone their test sheet of thirty questions including myself. We all sat down around the dinner table and filled them out. We added up points and found out which love language we are. I found this quite entertaining and interesting as my children talked to one another about the questions on the test once it was over. The five love language categories are:

1-Words of Affirmation

2-Quality Time

3-Receiving Gifts

4-Acts of Service

5-Physical Touch

I was completely surprised and speechless when all of us had the same love language. Maybe the apple really doesn't fall far from the tree. Some of us had two Love Languages that tied for first place. I found this very fascinating. I spent the next hour reading about expressing love in their language. This is actually a fun activity if you haven't done it. My friend who gave me this book swears this has helped improve one of her relationships in her own life. Again I find this fascinating. Any hoo, I love reading books and trying new things and this was actually fun for the whole family. Check it out you might want to try it.

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